Custom fields and updating - activation key

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19/04/2013 09:23 #2839 da lucap.
Hi all,

We are waiting for Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. to send us an activation key for our installation.
We made some customizing some months ago, hiding some fields in Leads and Account modules, and adding some other fields. After that we stopped the project and now we'd love to re-activate it , and maybe finish with it and go over to the full version.

The question is: after upgrading, what happens to custom fields, and customization like adding new schedules to a module?

The other question is: how much time do you need normally to send an activation key?

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19/04/2013 10:16 #2840 da dende
Hi luca,
we have sent the activation needed.

For your customizations:
- all you have set up via VTE (like custom fields, filters, role/profile setting ecc..) will be kept.
- all customizations on the source code NOT SDK will be overwritten !


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19/04/2013 10:25 #2842 da lucap.
Thanks so much.
You're great.

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