LOGING PROBLEM - Check the internet connection

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03/03/2015 08:49 - 05/03/2015 18:49 #3226 da e.callegati@qintx.com
My VTE FREE was working normally.

I've shut-down my PC and at VTE's login...

"Check the internet connection and login again to unlock VTECRM"

What happens?

I've reinstalled VTE FREE: (I've uninstalled the program, I've deleted the directory and Vte have nstalled a new db), at login the alert message is "Connection with VTECRM Network failed (error)"

I've reinstalled VTE FREE and I've copied my database into MySqL directory: at login the error is "Check the internet connection and login again to unlock VTECRM".. again.

I've tried to reinstall VTE FREE and my database in another PC and it working well.

So, I don't have any idea... what's that problem?
Ultima Modifica 05/03/2015 18:49 da e.callegati@qintx.com.

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