update product on ddt

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28/07/2015 08:17 #3294 da cicalo@imtsol.com
Hi guys,
Thks a lot for the product patch.
Now we are test all..quote, order confirmation, ddt, invoice. (starting from leads...)
Here are some problems:
1-Edit (in all modules above) the item descriptions in the item details are lost, only the money value is displayed.
2-when i create an order confirm. from quote i need always to search and select products. (but i've inserted it before)
3-DDT, edit mode, lost all product items
4-Invoice the same bugs described.
5-In all modules NO pdf document is created. Only the structure is displayed.
6-DDT-->NO PDF template exist.

Well, i know it is a comunity version, but please help us to try to works with the basic elements.

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28/07/2015 10:42 - 28/07/2015 10:44 #3295 da matteo.barbieri
Hello Cicalo
I have just updated my Vte Community and checked all your points, but everything works fine.
1. description and comments are maintained when editing and saving
2/3/4. products are maintained when creating a new record from the previous one (quote>order, order>invoice, order>ddt), with all their details
5/6. each module (for the sales area) has 1 pdf template as default and it is exported correctly
Here are the attached screenshot
Should be a problem of your installation, I suggest you to repeat the setup from the beginning.
Ultima Modifica 28/07/2015 10:44 da matteo.barbieri.
Ringraziano per il messaggio: cicalo@imtsol.com

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30/07/2015 06:18 - 30/07/2015 07:16 #3298 da cicalo@imtsol.com
Thanks a lot Matteo,
We have reinstalled all vtecrm (windows installation) ad updated new patch.

The problem still remain. I've tested it only on quotes module, but I think it's enought.
What we doing wrong?

DDT pdf Template: nothing exist, may be i've to do it myself.

I've prepared some images.
Ultima Modifica 30/07/2015 07:16 da cicalo@imtsol.com. Motivo: add new images

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30/07/2015 09:44 #3299 da matteo.barbieri
about the DDT template I was wrong, as default there are only 4 modules with pre-compiled templates (quotes, invoices, sale orders, purchase orders).
You have to create a new one for DDT.

About the product rows problem, have you installed VTE on server or pc? If pc, which version of Windows?
We will check if it could be a compatibility problem.
In the meantime, try to install another Vte Community (with new credentials otherwise the current one will be disabled) on a different machine (like Win 7).

Thank you.

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30/07/2015 10:33 #3300 da cicalo@imtsol.com
DDt: no problem I'll do it myself.

We are using a dedicated pc test with windows 7 prof, 4gb ram, dual core

We are planning to migrate to a win server 2008/2012 or ubuntu lts 14.x, or, why not, we will thinking to use your cloud proposal only if all the modules works.

Matteo we are looking for a system like yours where we can use crm and sales modules all in one.
We are now using sugar 6.x for crm and an internal sw for other.

We have test also suitecrm but... it is not what we want.
thks a lot

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30/07/2015 12:29 #3301 da matteo.barbieri
after the tests we have done, everything works fine, we can't reproduce your problem.
Just to do another attempt, try install it on another pc or server.

Anybody else notice the same problem? If yes please let us know.

About VTE Cloud, that's the Business version so it's constantly tested and updated and it's guaranteed by the support service.

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