Reactivation not work

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05/12/2015 01:08 #3379 da lbsec
Reactivation not work è stato creato da lbsec

I've big problem with reactivation , i've
a free installation that works from years.

I've cleaned in mysql tables tbl_s_morphsuit and vte_wsapp.

I've refreshed my password , then i've tryed to reactivate.

It's wait infinitely with this screenshot.

What's happen ?

This reactivation procedure it's always a problem .

This situation is not a good marketing advertisement , because
my customer that have a free version that think to buy licence,
simply buy another CRM (vtiger) for problems with activation occured
in 6 month tests with VTE.

Thanks for support.

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05/12/2015 16:24 #3380 da dade
Risposta da dade al topic Reactivation not work
Hi Massimo,
the reactivation is only needed in order to be sure that the system is connected to the internet to check for security updates and help us, as marketing review, to understand how many people is using it in the world.
May be the problem is that you have removed manually some tables from database while the reactivation is done usually by the web interface.
In case you have wrong remove something you can consider to make a backup and after try to update to recent version and activate from it.
I guarantee that we support also the reactivation of old versions. This suggestion is in order to fix the problems that can be made from your hack.
We don't want to suggest you how to work with your customers, but we think that if you want to give professional services with an open source solution you must be able to do it by yourself otherwise is better to buy some support from vendors or other professionals that well know the product you are using to make money.
best regards

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05/12/2015 23:32 - 05/12/2015 23:33 #3381 da lbsec
Risposta da lbsec al topic Reactivation not work
Hello ,

I understand why you collect information about how may vtecrm free are active , but
if this block working of testing VTECRM , then could be a bad image about this application.

Customer does not understand tech problem , simply associate this problem as VTECRM
is not a good application for us ( and i personally think that is a good application ) .

Tech part:

I've restored a backup of Dbase and Files , then all table are populated
VTECRM version 4.5 , and i'm sure that this backup has all info working.

I've updated password for my account .
I've recoved via mail and changed password in my vtecrm installation .
At fist login i receive this message :

If i try to update to new version 15.05 as explained at this link

(i've updated 5 version in past , i'm not a novice )
When i try to start update procedure , there is a login , but
username and password that i've always used not working .

Thank for support.
Ultima Modifica 05/12/2015 23:33 da lbsec. Motivo: Aggiornamento allegati

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11/12/2015 10:18 #3385 da mapokid
Risposta da mapokid al topic Reactivation not work
Hello Massimo, some features have been reduced for some problems of installation or login. If you give me the License ID and your email I can release the block.
Than I suggest you to restore the backup and retry the update.

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13/01/2016 17:58 #3388 da prezzicaseprefabbricate
I've the same problem .

How i can send you my account , then you can try to unblock this
problem .


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18/01/2016 11:51 #3389 da okcomputer
Risposta da okcomputer al topic Reactivation not work

I have the same error (today in the morning, las week was working good):

"Ci risulta sia stata installato un altro VTE free per questo utente del sito....."

could you help me to solve the problem?

Thank you

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