Virtual Machine Issues

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07/04/2016 16:46 #3443 da
Hi All, I am having issues with the virtual machine(V15.10). I start the virtual machine and start the install process I then get an error about a database driver missing "Missing file: /var/www/adodb/drivers/". After some searching I found an old post regarding Vtiger 5.4 ( ) that has a solution to the problem. I applied the fix and the install finished.

The install asks me to setup the outgoing mail server which I have done and received a test message saying that I have configured correctly. I then setup the incoming mail but all I get in the message window is "No message found Check cron configuration". So after poking around I found a readme in the cron directory with some instructions. I named my setvtecron.php and placed it in the root VTECRM directory. In the php file I call the cron job "cronvte" and the file name is set to "cron/RunCron.php". Is this correct as I can not seem to get email within VTECRM. I have checked with telnet from the virtual machine to make sure that I can connect to the mail server.

The logs from webmin syslog show "vte CRON[9573]: (root) CMD ( /var/www/cron/ >> /var/www/logs/logcron.log 2>&1)" so believe this is correct. The log file associated to the cron job shows

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Unknown database type' in /var/www/include/utils/CronUtils.php:162
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/include/utils/CronUtils.php(57): CronManager->checkOprhanedJobs()
#1 /var/www/cron/RunCron.php(43): CronManager->run()
#2 {main}
thrown in /var/www/include/utils/CronUtils.php on line 162

but I don't understand why this is happening and how to fix this. I could not find anything in this forum or with google. Can anyone help with this? Thank in advance

Sorry for the long post but wanted to provide as much info as possible.



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