Problem Recovery password - expiry password

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07/04/2016 23:24 #3445 da naturale2008
Hallo I use VTE with 3 users and a few days ago user: admin had a problem like that

Please change your password every 3 months.
Please click to "Forgot your password?" to change it now.

I did exact like request for revory password but another message:

Warning: fputs(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages: error:140D00CF:SSL routines:SSL_write:protocol is shutdown in /var/www/html/crm/modules/Emails/class.smtp.php on line 212

Non è stato possibile inviare la mail.
Contatta l'amministratore e richiedi il cambio password.

I confirm that smtp server it's ok tested
I hope for a help if possible


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11/04/2016 12:48 #3446 da
I have the same problem.



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11/04/2016 15:28 #3449 da ebarocco
Hi, have you got a GMAIL smtp ?
You can read this topic
Ringraziano per il messaggio: naturale2008

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12/04/2016 11:42 #3451 da

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16/04/2016 09:01 #3454 da naturale2008
Now the email is send and it's possible to change pwd but new pwd isn't recognized like ok.
So It's not possible to login like admin. Some suggestions are very friendly necessary

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18/04/2016 12:28 #3455 da ebarocco
have you got the last version of VTE CRM FREE ?

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