Autentication problem

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12/01/2017 18:58 #3498 da okcomputer
Autentication problem è stato creato da okcomputer
I have a problem, some days ago my local vte stops working and it is still asking for a password. We have never changed tha password..

Anyway, if I go to "se non sei ancora registrato , clicca qui" it redirects to a wrong page:

What is the problem? Is the free local vte till working or not?

Attached a screenshot of the problem..

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13/01/2017 17:49 #3500 da dade
Risposta da dade al topic Autentication problem
Maybe you have changed some of the server configuration so the software needs to be activated again, the process is still free.
But i see you are using the 4.5, now the latest supported is the 15.10 so please update to the latest version in order to have also the advantage of the simplified activation.
The version you are using is very old that means it also may contains some security issues that are not a good option for production use
best regards

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