Installation fails with mySQL 10.4.6

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24/07/2019 17:55 #3529 da
Hello all,

The installation of Community edition on my own server fails, due to a reserved keyword in the database creation.

I found the error to be reserved word “rows”, which has been added in MariaDB 10.2.4 ( ). How can I fix this or which files should I fix? Unfortunately, I suppose I can’t just change the column name as the whole code would break…

For your information, SELECT VERSION() returns “10.4.6-MariaDB-1:10.4.6+maria~stretch”.

Thanks in advance for any help!

PS: switching the forum UI to English would be way better for foreign visitors! ;-)

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08/08/2019 16:14 #3530 da dade
Hi Jeanluc
could you please specify your OS and provide a log of the error encountered?
vtenext as been successfully intalled on both mysql and mariadb so may be that the problem is platform related.
thank you

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27/08/2019 14:54 #3531 da
Hi Davide,

Sorry for the late reply due to summer vacation... I've installed the application on a dedicated hosted server, running Debian Linux 9 / Webmin v1.930 / MySQL Version 10.4.7-MariaDB. I can provide the log but don't know where to find it: can you please indicate which file you're expecting?

Thanks for your help!

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17/12/2019 17:21 #3560 da dende

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