[SOLVED] Installation Stuck at the Optional Modules Section

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11/12/2019 11:08 - 17/12/2019 17:19 #3538 da ms@greatbrands.net

I am actually trying to install the vtenext CRM on our own server. Now I am at the Optional Modules Section where I am stuck. If I hit the "Next" button nothing happens.

What to do?

Kindest Regards

Ultima Modifica 17/12/2019 17:19 da dende.
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11/12/2019 12:50 #3540 da ms@greatbrands.net
Sorry wrong Screenshot

Here is the right one.
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11/12/2019 14:51 #3541 da dende
I think that the problem is related to .htaccess file.
Maybe your hosting block or limit its functionality.
You can try to rename or delete it

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11/12/2019 15:03 - 17/12/2019 17:18 #3545 da ms@greatbrands.net
thank you very much. That solved it. Now I have another issue, but step by step I am getting there :-)
Ultima Modifica 17/12/2019 17:18 da dende.
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